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What Is a Blogger?

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It seems like nowadays, there are more people who go by the job title “blogger” than ever before.

You ask a couple of questions to know more, but it’s impolite to probe further.

So what is a blogger? What do they do? And is it as easy a job as it looks?

Well, this is a complete guide to the blogging profession, the skills needed to become a blogger, and how much you’re expected to make while working as a full-time blogger.

So let’s dive in!

What is a Blogger?

To answer what a blogger is, first we have to know what a blog is.

A blog is a website that offers written content on a specific subject matter.

These websites usually have dated posts or articles.

When you visit one of them, you’ll see the newest article or post first.

Blogs can be centered around anything.

They can be about hobbies, interests, news, commerce, or any combination of these things.

That makes a blogger the person who runs or writes on a blog.

They’re usually experts on or interested in the subject of the blog, and they can work alone or with other bloggers.

What Does a Blogger Do?

A blogger is responsible for finding good content for the blog, arranging it, and presenting it in a lucrative way to attract viewers.

This means the blogger has to do research, write, edit, and design the blog pages.

They also have to keep up with the changing trends in the blogging world to keep their blog relevant.

What is Another Word for a Blogger?

You can call a blogger any one of these things depending on the subject matter of their blog:

  • Writer
  • Reporter
  • Journalist
  • Sportswriter
  • Critic
  • Commentator
  • Chef
  • Fashionista

What Makes Someone a Blogger?

Anyone can be a blogger if they set up a website where they write regularly.

Having a diary or a journal on the internet is all you need to be a blogger.

In fact, that’s how the word “blog” was born, it’s short for weblog.

However, to blog for a living, there are some skills that you need so you can profit from writing on your blog.

These skills span writing skills, marketing skills, to the more advanced technical skills that help you design the website and make it look its best.

The Skill Set of a Blogger

Becoming a successful blogger depends on how skilled you are in a few key areas.

These things separate amateurs from professionals.

Here’s the basic skill set a blogger must have:

1. Content Marketing

The first reason any visitor clicks on your blog is the written content.

That’s the main attraction to your website and the thing that sets it apart from other similar blogs.

Writing content that’s both relevant and substantial can be tricky.

That said, you can master the skills needed if:

  • You know who your target audience is, what they want, and where they get it from.
  • You spend enough time researching your subject matter thoroughly and carefully.
  • You find new, creative ways to present your content.
  • You offer value to the reader enough to make them follow your blog for more content.

That’s how to drive up the viewership of your blog.

This, in turn, will increase the revenue you make through ads on your blog, which is the main objective behind a blog.

In time, you can also make money by selling the same content you put out for free.

You can do that in the form of an e-book, a masterclass, or premium content behind a paywall.

If your readers trust your voice and care about the content you make, they’ll have no problems paying for it.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Another huge part of any blog’s revenue scheme is affiliate marketing.

An affiliate deal with a vendor, like Amazon, means you earn a commission every time someone clicks a link on your website that leads to an Amazon product that they buy.

You can boost your earnings by reviewing more products from that vendor and recommending some of them to your readers.

Now, this only works if you do it in a smart, calculated way.

It’s not far-fetched that someone would read your review and feel like you’re pushing the product on them.

This might very well lead to them not trusting your opinion on which product to buy.

The first mistake to cause this would be choosing the wrong product category to review.

If you write for a fashion blog, don’t expect readers to trust your recommendation of fishing gear!

Another mistake would be to recommend products with low ratings or bad reviews.

More often than not, the reader skims the reviews section searching for negatives in the product before they buy it.

This would take aim at your credibility.

Last but not least, it shows when you tout a product’s benefits without having used it.

Your reader might feel scammed and never come to your blog for product recommendations again.

So, while affiliate marketing can be a huge source of income for a blog that’s still starting out, you should be careful not to lose your audience over it.

3. Email Marketing

Email marketing means reaching out through email to provide blog updates to your regular readers.

This is done when a reader subscribes to the blog’s mailing list.

After which, the reader receives an email in their inbox every time you post a new article or send a newsletter.

This feature boosts your website visits tremendously.

It also guarantees whoever is visiting your blog is genuinely interested in the content, which is always a plus.

4. Technical Skills

The skills mentioned above are super important, but they’re not as important as the technical skills that help you build a successful website.

You should have a clear understanding of WordPress Plugins that help you build a website, different hosting servers, as well as catchy, relevant domain names.

That’s, of course, unless you intend to outsource the technical aspects of your website.

Even if you intend to let a professional handle the web design, knowing how your website is doing is crucial for boosting growth.

This is done through Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and SEO (search engine optimization). All of which are essential technical skills to have.

Types of Blogs Run By Bloggers

Blogs come in so many flavors and each of them has an audience.

Here are the types of blogs that bloggers can run for profit:

vector graphic showing an illustration of copywriting for blogs
  • Personal Blogs: Chronicle the events of a person’s life and are written by that person. They’re similar to journals or diaries, just more public.
  • Personal Brand Blogs: Follow a public figure and market content based on their name, image, and field of prominence.
  • Fashion Blogs: Either follow the latest trends or the more refined aspects of fashion, like haute couture.
  • Lifestyle Blogs: Offer tips and tricks for personal care, hair, makeup, home decor, and other similar interests.
  • Travel Blogs: Focus on travel, either budget or luxury.
  • Food Blogs: Offer recipes and articles related to food.
  • Sport Blogs: Follow a certain sport, covering its events.
  • Affiliate Marketing & Review Blogs: Offer affiliate marketing and product reviews. Any of the above-mentioned categories can fall under this category.
  • News Blogs: Offer news coverage on the latest events.

Bloggers vs Other Digital Marketers

Not everyone who makes money from putting content on the internet is a blogger.

Here is the difference between the different types:

1. Bloggers vs Vloggers

Bloggers usually make money from the written content on their blogs.

Vloggers use a video-hosting website, like Youtube, to post videos of themselves pursuing an interest that then get monetized through ads.

2. Bloggers vs Influencers

Influencers are people who have a huge following on social media platforms, like Instagram and TikTok.

Unlike bloggers, an influencer’s main source of income is direct product sponsorships.

Who Is a Blogger On Social Media?

A blogger can use social media platforms to market their blog for additional viewership.

Posting an eye-catching photo on Instagram with a link to your latest blog post can help your readers reach your content more easily. It also helps keep you on their minds.

Can Anyone Become a Blogger?

Yes! Being a blogger is as easy as setting up your own blog.

However, doing it for a living requires a lot of hard work and determination to get your blog up and running.

How Much Do You Get Paid To Blog?

image showing an illustration for the header of types of blogs that make money post

Income from blogging is tied to how much your blog is reaching people, which varies greatly from one blog to another.

Income from ads displayed on the blog pages and affiliate links can make you anywhere from $500–$2000 a month for an established blog.

Just keep in mind that most blogs take years before they can make their owners that number.

How to Become a Blogger

If you’ve decided that becoming a blogger is for you, then here are the steps to get your blog all set up:

1. Come Up With an Idea for a Blog

A blog has to be centered around an idea that attracts interested readers.

Think of something you have a background in that other people might want to read about.

A certain sport, hobby, or niche interest is a great place to start.

2. Research the Validity of That Idea

Look up other blogs about the same subject matter.

See how many there are and their domain rankings.

If you find you have a chance of creating a market for your idea, go for it!

3. Start a Blog on WordPress

Use WordPress to build your blog.

This can be a bit of a learning curve but you can get a hang of it in no time.

4. Write Content For Your Blog

Written content is the flesh of any blog that determines viewership.

Find interesting topics relevant to your blog’s subject and write about them.

It also helps to set a posting schedule.

5. Promote Your Blog

Use social media to promote your blog and attract potential readership.

You can also collaborate with other bloggers to promote each other’s blogs for mutual benefit.

Wrapping Up

What is a blogger?

A blogger is someone who keeps a website with written content.

While writing content on the internet makes one a blogger, doing so professionally takes a lot of dedication and hard work.

Figuring out the idea, researching your market, and developing the skills needed to make your blog stand out are necessary steps.

Comment below what else you want to learn about becoming a blogger, as well as any other questions you have in mind!

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