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Survival Blogs: Definition, Types, Income & 25 Examples [2022]

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As a survivalist, you’ve gained significant knowledge in your life that’ll help you thrive in the worst circumstances.

Whether it’s a natural disaster or some other event that causes a massive disruption in daily life, you’re all set to ride it out.

Now, you’re ready to share your wealth of knowledge with others.

The perfect way to share what you know is with survival blogs.

Using your blog, you’ll be able to educate readers on the dos and don’ts of being a survivalist.

Not sure where to begin?

Keep reading to find out how to start a blog that showcases your skills in a professional, engaging format.

What Is a Survival Blog?

Survival blogs aim to educate readers on how to prepare for the world’s worst-case scenarios.

Some provide basic survival information, such as how to survive in the wild if you get lost.

Others cover more dire scenarios, such as a long-term lockdown or natural disaster.

Survival bloggers will cover everything you would want to know for surviving various emergencies that might put you out of your home or in life-threatening positions.

So if your motivations for starting a blog include sharing information on survival, you’re in the right place.

What Does a Survival Blogger Blog About?

Survival bloggers cover a range of topics, depending on their niche.

For example, some might focus solely on how to build a food stash that’ll last months or years.

Others fall into the “Doomsday Prepper” camp, where they cover bug-out bags and the best ways to prepare for world-ending disasters.

But, of course, most will fall somewhere in the middle.

What Is Included On a Survival Blog?

A survival blog includes more than just information on how to survive disasters.

You’ll need to create a well-rounded and informative site as a blogger.

Your site should include each of the following items.

A Niche

Every blogger needs a niche.

As a survivalist blogger, your niche is incredibly crucial.

You’ll find hundreds of survivalist blogs to compete with, so you need a subtopic to which you and you alone cater.

Examples of survival blog niches include crafting the perfect go-bag, survival techniques for beginners, or food preservation.

However, many of these are over-saturated, meaning you need to find something unique.

A Problem and Solution

Each survival blog offers a solution to a problem.

Some survival blogs cover basic survival techniques, like starting a fire without matches or purifying water.

Others get into deeper topics, such as building fallout bunkers or a multi-year food stash.

Essentially, you need your readers to land on your page and say, “this is the answer to my question.”

As long as you’ve established yourself as a problem-solver in your niche, people will begin to seek out your knowledge.


Always include product recommendations on your survival blog, whether they’re your own products, printables, or just your favorites from other companies.

Readers of survival blogs are looking for items just as much as info, so be sure to give them what they want.

A streamlined way to do this could include monthly product review roundups, where you discuss the best products for a specific category.

For example, you could discuss the best tools for starting a fire or the best MOLLE bags to store your bug-out gear in.


Branding is another critical component of a successful blog.

First, you should ask yourself, do you want to improve on what’s already out there or carve your own path?

Then, use that information to build your brand’s aesthetic and reputation.

Your branding will include your logo, how your site functions, and what you’re known for.

Users should be able to recognize your content based on a glance or tagline.

Your reputation will take time to develop, but it all starts with a solid foundation.


Most importantly, your site needs to have a clearly organized format.

Your users should arrive on your site and be able to navigate through each area seamlessly.

This includes proper menus, a detailed site map, and an intuitive layout.

Remember–when you’re organizing your site, don’t forget to keep mobile users in mind.

Survival is a massive topic, but you need to make sure your content is laid out for palm-sized devices.

Optimization is key to maintaining readers.

Other Things That You Can Find on a Survival Blog

You should include a few other things to make your survival blog successful.

  • Testimonials and Reviews: If you sell a product or service, always put a few reviews from satisfied customers on your site. This is a great way to show your expertise at work in the real world.
  • Advertisements: Advertising is essential to monetizing your content. Don’t go overboard with the number of ads you have because it could negatively affect your load time and user experience. However, at least in the beginning, this isn’t an area you should skip.
  • Social Media Accounts: Social media interaction is the perfect way to share your content on a universal platform to garner more readers. In addition, there’s truly no easier way to interact with users on a regular basis.
  • Webstore or Affiliate Links: A webstore is only necessary if you sell a product or service. However, you could include a page of affiliate links highlighting your recommendations for each product you mention on your blog.

Types of Survival Blogs

vector graphic showing an illustration of the best survival blogs

When choosing your survival blog niche, you should take time to explore the various types of survival blogs.

In general, they fall into one of five categories.

  • Survival Blogs for Preppers: A survival blog for preppers provides information for people who want to prep for an impending disaster. Preppers typically want to be prepared if a major disaster, such as a storm or virus, leads to an “end of days” scenario.
  • Survival Blogs for Urban Survival: Urban survival is a far cry from survival in the wilderness regarding sustenance, defense, and shelter. Therefore, it requires its own type of survival blog. Urban survivalists will teach readers how to navigate cities or towns post-disaster.
  • Survival Blogs for the Outdoors: Outdoor survival is one of the most common types of survival blogs, mainly because it covers a wide swath of information. Survival blogs for the outdoors will tell readers how to get by in the wilderness for short and long periods.
  • Survival Blogs for Medicine & First Aid: First aid is key to surviving outdoors in the long term. Survival blogs for first aid will teach readers about all forms of medical safety, from bandaging a wound to applying a tourniquet. However, don’t forget to provide a disclaimer if you’re not a doctor or medical professional.
  • Survival Blogs for Firearms: Survival blogs for firearms will cover everything a reader will want to know regarding survival gun selection and safety. Since personal safety is crucial to survival, you should only blog about firearms if you’re a trained professional.

Do Survival Blogs Make Money?

If you’ve spent any amount of time researching monetizing content, you know there are plenty of different types of blogs that make money.

A survival blog is no exception.

How Do Survival Blogs Make Money?

As a blogger, there are a few ways you can generate income.

The most common methods are affiliate marketing programs, sponsorships, and advertising.

However, you can also offer products or services if you’re comfortable doing so.

For example, survivalist ebooks are always popular among preppers.

How Much Do Survival Blogs Make?

Perhaps unsurprisingly, survivalist bloggers can make good money sharing their content.

However, success is by no means guaranteed.

You’ll have to put a lot of time, effort, and money up front before success is possible.

Bloggers who generate income can make a few dollars a month to upwards of $100,000 or more per month.

For example, survival Blog, one of the most popular survivalist blogs, brings in a whopping $1,000,000 per month.

What you make will depend entirely on what you put into it.

To make a living blogging, you must be prepared to put in the effort and a hefty initial investment.

Products To Promote and Sell on a Survival Blog

Many survivalist bloggers choose to sell products to the survival niche they cater to.

Selling products or services is an excellent way to generate income from a market base always looking to purchase survivalist items.

Books are a popular item that preppers enjoy when crafting their survival plan.

Both ebooks and physical books have their place in the prepper world, but you should consider offering both to cater to all needs.

You could also have an online “store” with affiliate products.

Camping gear, bug-out bags, self-defense items, and sustenance tools are all valuable choices that all survivalists will need to own.

Finally, you could look at building a subscription.

Subscription boxes are all the rage, and one geared toward survivalists would have endless possibilities.

That said, a subscription box might be best once you have some business experience under your belt.

Best Survival Blogs: 25 Examples

Now that we’ve gotten through the basics of survivalist blogging, it’s time to do one of the most important steps: competitor research.

When doing competitor research, you’ll look at other blogs in your niche, study what they offer, and find the holes.

Keep reading to learn about some of the most popular blogs available.

How Many Survival Blogs Are There?

Unfortunately, it’s impossible to say precisely how many survival blogs are online.

Suffice it to say, the internet is saturated with blogs geared at preppers and survivalists, with more survival blogs popping up regularly.

Survival Blogs for Preppers

If you’re looking to start a blog geared at preppers, check out these blogs to see what they cover.

The Survivalist Blog

screenshot of the survivalist blog homepage

The Survivalist Blog offers a wealth of information on prepping for life during an emergency.

The authors cover everything from what to pack in your go-bag to how to cook with the bare minimum of ingredients and tools.

The Prepared

screenshot of the prepared homepage

As the name indicates, The Prepared focuses solely on ensuring you’re ready for the worst circumstances the world can muster.

They offer checklists, item recommendations, advice on medical emergencies, and much more to get you prepped in advance.

Skilled Survival

screenshot of the skilled survival homepage

Skilled Survival is a no-holds-barred blog that highlights the full spectrum of preparedness.

The blog covers topics including water storage, prepper checklists, and item reviews that’ll help you make informed decisions on what to buy.

Preparedness Mama

screenshot of the preparedness mama homepage

Are you prepping for a whole family? Then you should check out Preparedness Mama.

Much of her content focuses on food storage and gardening, but she also has a healthy section on preparedness that readers find highly useful.

The Prepper Journal

screenshot of the prepper journal homepage

The Prepper Journal offers readers resources on prepping basics, off-grid living, and collapse preparation.

In addition, it offers a podcast and a long list of prepping resources to help prepare for disasters of all sizes.

Survival Blogs for Urban Survival

Urban survival focuses primarily on surviving in urban or city settings.

Although much of the content will be similar to other survivalist blogs, urban survival also strongly focuses on defense and communication.

The Modern Survival Blog

screenshot of the modern survival blog homepage

The Modern Survival Blog takes a granular approach to urban survival.

It covers basics like communication systems, food prep, and water storage, along with more universal topics readers can implement in their life presently.  

Urban Survival Site

screenshot of the urban survival site homepage

The Urban Survival Site covers everything from defense to food prep.

It has a “Start Here” section that outlines how the site works and provides a beginner’s guide to urban prepping.

It’s an excellent resource for both novice and experienced preppers.


screenshot of the trdcrft homepage

[TRDCRFT] is an urban survival blog run by former intelligence and security service agents and military professionals.

It helps preppers craft strategic plans for urban survival that best ensure survival in a survivalist setting.


screenshot of the shtf blog homepage

The SHTF Blog is a blog associated with Prepper Press.

It’s a modern blog that aligns prepping with 21st-century advances.

Readers will find information on prepper skills, bugging out, and basic survival in an urban setting.

In the Rabbit Hole

screenshot of the in the rabbit hole homepage

In the Rabbit Hole is an urban survivalist blog and podcast.

It covers a range of topics, and the podcast has 300 episodes of detailed discussion on urban survival.

In the Rabbit Hole is an excellent place to start if you’ve been considering a podcast for your blog.

Survival Blogs for the Outdoors

Check the blogs outlined below if you want to focus your content around survival in the great outdoors.

Survival Ready Blog

screenshot of the survival ready blog homepage

The Survival Ready Blog prides itself on separating the wheat from the chaff regarding survival blogs.

It offers resources and information for outdoor survivalists, as well as self and property-defense tactics.

And, of course, it covers a good deal of standard prepping.

Alderleaf Wilderness College

screenshot of th alderleaf wilderness college homepage

Alderleaf Wilderness College is a blog focused solely on surviving in the wild.

It covers everything from mushroom and plant identification to learning how to homestead. This blog is a must-see if you want to focus on wilderness survival.

More Than Just Surviving

screenshot of the more than just surviving homepagei

Bushcraft bloggers would be wise to check out More Than Just Surviving, which covers all things related to bushcraft and wilderness survival.

This site will be one of your biggest competitors, so take time to look over what it offers.

Survival Common Sense

screenshot of the survival common sense homepage

Survival Common Sense, a blog run by wilderness enthusiast Leon Pantenburg, shares heaps of information on surviving in the wild or rural areas.

Leon focuses on “what if” situations, like a broken ankle, and provides content helping readers prep for any outdoor emergency.

Ready Nutrition

screenshot of the ready nutrition homepage

Ready Nutrition provides a solid mix of sustainable living and wilderness survival content.

You’ll find information on getting a jump on sustainable living at present while learning how to survive in the wilderness in the event of any emergency.

Survival Blogs for Medicine & First Aid

Many survival bloggers aim to help readers by providing tips and tricks for outdoor first aid.

Although medicine and first aid skills are crucial to post-disaster survival, the best way to ensure reader safety is to provide accurate and vetted information by medical professionals.

Here are a few worth checking out to get an idea of where your niche will fall.

Doom & Bloom

screenshot of the doom bloom homepage

Joe and Amy Alton, a doctor and nurse practitioner team, started Doom & Bloom to share first aid survival tips with readers.

They also have a podcast and YouTube channel, along with a healthy collection of published works, all of which add to their blogging revenue.

Note: If you’re considering a multi-channel platform, Doom & Bloom is an excellent resource to review for the type of content users will expect.


screenshot of the nols homepage

NOLS, or the National Outdoor Leadership School, is an invaluable source of information on outdoor survival skills.

Not only does it have a robust blog, but it also offers courses and training that teach wilderness skills and leadership.

You’ll be able to find a lot of good resources and contacts on the NOLS blog.

First Aid Mart

screenshot of the first aid mart homepage

First Aid Mart’s blog offers a well-rounded selection of medicine and first aid articles.

Most of the information available applies to regular daily life and wilderness situations.

The site also offers books, other products, and product recommendations you can explore to get your go-bag fully stocked.

Adventure Medical Kits

screenshot of the adventure medial kits homepage

Adventure Medical Kits’ blog is filled with content that helps prepare outdoor survivalists for survival in the wild.

Readers will find standard survival gear and information alongside articles focused on preventing and treating injuries.

You’ll also have access to fully stocked medical kits and other products to ensure you’re fully prepped for survival.


screenshot of the rei homepage

REI is a leader in outdoor gear, so it’s no surprise they have a blog bursting with survival information.

Their health and first aid section provide extensive information on choosing the right products, staying safe in the wild, and treating specific injuries.  

Survival Blogs for Firearms

As with medical blogs, firearm survival blogs are an excellent resource for survivalists that should only provide information from reputable, experienced sources.

Take a look at the following examples to see what users are expecting.

NRA Blog

screenshot of the nra blog homepage

As the foremost authority on firearms in the US, the NRA’s blog is an excellent resource for anyone who wants to learn how to choose and use their weapons safely.

Readers can access extensive information on gun safety, personal and home defense, and the best products.

Atomic Legion

screenshot of the atomic legion homepage

Atomic Legion is a blog dedicated to survival training and weapons.

Atomic Legion provides information on weapon selection, safety, and concealment, and you’ll also find multiple instructors skilled in various areas to properly educate survivalists.

Firearms News

screenshot of the firearms news homepage

All survivalist bloggers will get a good idea of what users want by perusing Firearms News.

Specifically, you’ll find a lot of solid information in the Preparedness section.

From survival knives to semi-automatics, they provide information on all types of survivalist weapons.

Gun Mag Warehouse

screenshot of the gun mag warehouse homepage

The blog on Gun Mag Warehouse’s website is filled with content that’ll help survivalists choose and use the best firearms.

It’s an ideal site for users who want to purchase a gun and get training as soon as possible.

Gun Mag also offers a fully-stocked web store.

Savannah Arsenal Blog

screenshot of the savannah arsenal blog homepage

The Savannah Arsenal Blog offers content on all survival aspects with a particular focus on defense.

Readers will find information on prepping philosophies, firearms, and survival in the wild.

It’s one of the most well-rounded survivalist sites out there.

How To Become a Survival Blogger

Let’s take a look at the basic steps you’ll need to become a survival blogger.

Once you’re done, you’ll be on your way to starting up your blogging career.

Determine the Direction of the Blog

Once you’ve decided what you want to cover on your blog, take time to do keyword research to uncover opportunities your competitors might’ve missed.

Keyword research will show you what readers are looking for and help you choose the right ones to drive traffic to your site.

Select a Niche

When it comes time to choose your content, the first thing you need to know is how to choose the right niche.

Your niche is your specific area of expertise, the granular aspect of your chosen market.

This should be the area where you truly stand out from your competition.

Select a Name

Coming up with a blog name is one of the most fun aspects of building a blog.

When choosing one, you need to pick something unique and, most importantly, relevant.

Stick to no more than two or three words so readers won’t forget it.

Select a Blogging Platform

Choosing a blogging platform is your next step.

There are many different blogging platforms available, so be sure to research each one to find the one that suits you best.

Then, choose one with all the themes and features you want but is also easy to navigate.

Register a Domain Name

Your next step is registering your domain, which is your site’s name.

You’ll have plenty to choose from, but make sure you find the best domain registrar for your site.

Choose one that makes it easy to manage your domain.

Get Web Hosting

Your web host is the service that puts your blog online.

There are a few types of hosting, including shared web, dedicated web, and traditional vs. managed.

However, when it comes to reliability, we suggest managed WordPress hosting.

Build the Blog

Now that you have all the nuts and bolts out of the way, you can start on the fun part: building your blog.


When you sign into WordPress, you’ll be prompted to pick a theme.

You can either install a WordPress theme or create something front scratch.

Themes allow your website to have uniformity and a sleek, polished look.


Plugins provide added functionality to your website.

Fortunately, WordPress plugins are plentiful.

Don’t go overboard, but choose the best plugins for your brand.

Research each option and select the ones your users will find the most value.

Most importantly, ensure none take away from your site’s usability.

Essential Pages

Next, outline the essential pages for your blog.

Each blog should have the following pages:

  • About
  • Contact
  • Archives
  • Shop (if applicable)
  • Terms of Service
  • Disclaimer (especially important for medical or defense blogs)
  • Privacy policy

None of these have to be very complex.

Your main content is where you’ll want to focus.

To make things easier, use WordPress’ built-in templates to make creating certain pages easier.

Produce Content For the Blog

Next, you’ll move on to creating content for your blog.

You probably have a ton of content stashed away in your mind, so it’s time to write it down.

So, write up some outlines and create a plan for when and how you’ll publish.

Launch the Blog Publicly

Finally, it’s time to launch your blog after you’ve built your site and crafted content.

Launching a new blog has to go smoothly for users to enjoy their first experience on your site.

Be prepared for some hiccups in the first few weeks.

Promote the Blog

Promoting content is perhaps the most strenuous part of blogging.

There are many ways to promote a blog.

Popular advertising methods include affiliate advertising, social media shares, and an email newsletter list.

Start promoting before your blog goes live via newsletter or social media for the best results.

Similar Blogging Types to Check Out

Although we covered several types of blogs to check out above, here are a few other types worth looking into.

They fall into broad categories: prepping, guns, and home security.

1. Preppers Blogs

Preppers blogs focus solely on prepping for disaster.

You’ll most likely find everything from bug-out lists to proper canning techniques.

Some will give you step-by-step instructions for building a food stash, while others will help you prep on a budget so you don’t blow your savings all in one go.

2. Gun Blogs

Another popular type of survival blog for survivalists is gun blogs.

These blogs help survivalists and preppers understand how to select, use, and care for weapons safely.

It’s essential for readers to know who’s behind the information, though, so be sure to vet and share all of your sources so your readers can feel confident in your words.

3. Home Security Blogs

A vital aspect of the survivalist lifestyle is ensuring personal and home security.

Fortunately, plenty of home security blogs exist to help preppers properly secure their property from any potential threats post-disaster.

You could easily tap into this market by sharing security methods, early warning systems, and other defense tactics.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have questions about creating a survivalist blog?

Although it’s an in-demand topic, there’s always more to learn.

So here are the answers to a few common questions.

Why is survival so important?

In a world where pandemics, war, and natural disasters are a regular occurrence, practicing survivalist techniques is an efficient way to ensure you and your family are prepared for the worst.

Although it’s unlikely we’ll end up in world-ending circumstances, the information you share on your blog could help put minds at ease.

Can I trust survival blogs that I read online?

You should always be wary of any information you find online.

As with any topic, readers will find plenty of valid information on survival blogs alongside plenty of junk.

You want to choose a blog with a facts-based approach that doesn’t focus on fear-mongering.

Wrapping Up

Survivalist blogs make up a heavily saturated online market.

However, that doesn’t mean you’re out of luck if you want to dip a toe in.

There’s always room for improvement, and you’ll have no trouble finding a niche that hasn’t been explored.

Follow the steps outlined in this article to get started on your blogging journey.

The more you create, the easier it’ll be.

Before you know it, you’ll have a following of fans who consider you an expert.

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