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Best Podcasts for Weight Loss: 15 Examples

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Podcasts do many things for us.

They entertain us, give us the latest news from around the world, and give us information.

Doctors and health experts have even begun making podcasts teaching people how to transform their life to be happier and healthier.

There was a time when finding information about weight loss and healthy eating was on television or in books about the latest fad diet.

Weight loss programming has become one of the most popular types of podcasts.

Here are the 15 best podcasts for weight loss available.

What Is a Podcast for Weight Loss?

Almost everyone knows that the secret to weight loss is to burn more calories than you eat.

Podcasts for weight loss have to provide more than a simple diet plan.

Similar to weight loss blogs, people want to hear from experts who advise on ways to look and feel better while hearing inspirational stories of success.

What Does a Podcast for Weight Loss Talk About?

Weight loss podcast hosts will talk about several things depending on how their expertise approaches the subject.

A doctor may talk about the types of food that make up a healthy diet, while a physical trainer will focus on the exercise that will show results.

Many podcasts hosts have been through a transformation and can tell the secrets of how they did it.

What Is Included on a Podcast for Weight Loss?

The weight loss industry makes nearly $4 billion per year, but among the best podcasts are shows that do not try to sell a product or service.

The supplements and programs people buy into are readily available on many sites across the web.

However, motivational shows made by people who have lost a lot of weight are the ones more people enjoy.

Other Things You Can Find on a Podcast for Weight Loss

Motivational stories are not the only things you’ll find on the podcasts listed here. Many are made by experts in health and nutrition.

They provide information you need to make your weight loss journey a success.

  • Diet Information: There are a lot of diet programs out there. Some of them work and others are not at all good for you.
    Many of these shows will analyze the latest trends and tell you if it works and how you can tweak them for the best results.
  • Exercise Suggestions: People work out in different ways.
    Some like to go to the gym and sweat out their cardio routine on a treadmill or stair climber.
    Podcasts for weight loss will teach you how to focus your energy on the workout with the best results.
  • Accountability: Weight loss podcasts offer accountability to people that may not get it elsewhere.
    Every episode challenges you to do what it takes to meet your goals.

Types of Podcasts for Weight Loss

Weight loss makes up a large portion of the subjects on the web.

How to listen to podcasts about weight loss is to find the category on your favorite podcatcher that best matches what you are looking for.

  • Motivational Podcasts for Weight Loss: Many people have successfully lost large amounts of weight and kept it off.
    These are the success stories you need to hear when embarking on your journey.
  • Podcasts for Women’s Weight Loss: Women have different reasons for losing weight and different challenges that stand in their way.
    If you have tried losing weight after having a baby, or going through menopause, you need information on what to do.
  • Podcasts for Men’s Weight Loss: The body of a man changes a lot as he gets older.
    Finding a diet and workout to accomplish their goals can be difficult.
    Many podcasts tackle the subject and try to give the best advice to help during these changes.

Best Podcasts for Weight Loss: 15 Examples

Almost any subject has podcasts that cover it.

Weight loss is no different.

There are more podcasts available on the subject than you’ll ever listen to.

Here are the ones that will give you more than enough information.

How Many Podcasts for Weight Loss Are There?

Hundreds of podcasts deal with diet, nutrition, and exercise available.

Many of them are produced professionally by people who know what they’re talking about.

Others are made by amateurs only have their own experiences.

Motivational Podcasts for Weight Loss

Whether it is made by someone who has gone down the weight loss path or someone who wants to motivate you to do whatever it takes, here are some of the best weight loss podcasts.

1. The Not So Fit Couple Podcast

screenshot of the not so fit couple podcast homepage

Hosted by Lucy Davis Fit and Ben Haldon, this fitness podcast is for real people.

Education and entertainment are united as this personal trainer couple teaches you how to transform your mind and body.

You’ll also learn about relationships, business, and mental health.

2. Fitness Disrupted

screenshot of the fitness disrupted homepage

There is a lot of good information available about exercise and nutrition.

Unfortunately, it is mixed with a lot of terrible advice.

Tom Holland attempts to break down the topics and separate the good from the myths and misconceptions.

3. Diet Starts Tomorrow

screenshot of the diet starts tomorrow homepage

Before you can tackle the weight loss on the outside, you have to deal with the emotions on the inside.

Remy Kassimir and Emily Lubin look at the beauty standards in our world and talk about the emotions that drive us.

4. Mind Pump

screenshot of the mind pump homepage

It has been described as Howard Stern meets fitness.

This podcast is a raw look at fitness that talks about why we stop working out, how to burn fat, and how to break bad habits.

Sal di Stefano, Adam Schafer, and Justin Andrews are personal trainers who know what it takes to get results.

5. Mindful in Minutes

screenshot of the mindful in minutes homepage

Sometimes you need a few minutes of quiet meditation.

This show is a few minutes of guided meditation to help you with problems like anxiety, insomnia, and self-esteem.

Join Kelly Smith for this weekly guided relaxation break that will help you feel like a new person.

Podcasts for Women’s Weight Loss

Anyone can listen to a podcast for weight loss.

However, women may feel more comfortable being coached by someone who knows their bodies.

Women go through things men will never experience that can affect the way their body reacts to diet and exercise.

1. Weight Loss Made Real

screenshot of the weight loss made real homepage

Coach Cookie Rosenblum knows the skinny on weight loss.

She knows what it is like to be a busy wife and mom who is trying to eat the right things and exercise.

It can be hard to take time for yourself to do it, and Cookie is here to help.

2. Food Psych Podcast

screenshot of the food psych podcast homepage

Getting thin may not be as important as being healthy.

Getting away from disordered eating and making your peace with food will go a long way toward your total wellness.

Christy Harrison has one of the most successful podcasts about weight loss.

3. Weight Loss for Women

screenshot of the weight loss for women homepage

If you have jumped on the bandwagon of multiple fad diets and are no closer to your goal, you may need the help of Kitty Blomfield and Craig McDonald.

They team up with many experts in the field of health and wellness to help you break free of your obsession with food.

4. Half-Size Me

screenshot of the half size me homepage

Heather Robertson knows what it takes to lose weight and keep it off because she has done it.

She lost 170 pounds over a decade ago and has maintained it ever since. She has the tools that will help you get there as well.

5. Weight Loss for Successful Women

screenshot of the weight loss for successful women homepage

Shannen Christiansen knows what it is like to be a busy, successful woman.

Trying to balance business and leadership with relationships and parenthood can be hard.

Let Shannen help you focus on what to do to be as successful with your health as your career.

Podcasts for Men’s Weight Loss

Men want to watch what they are eating and be healthy, which can become difficult as changes occur in their bodies.

Listening to a podcast just for them can help them focus and stay on track.

1. Men Lose Weight

screenshot of the men lose weight homepage

Sparky, Adam, Charlie, and Ben lived most of their lives eating whatever they wanted.

Now, in their thirties, it is time to pay the piper and get healthy.

Listen to their journeys as they tell you what works and doesn’t work.

2. Fat Burning Man

screenshot of the fat burning man homepage

Abel James admits that the things he thought he knew about weight loss and fitness were all wrong.

He did everything he could to lose weight and found that it was making him fatter.

Now he has a system that has worked for him and helped him maintain.

3. The Over 40 Alpha Podcast

screenshot of the over 40 alpha podcast homepage

Funk Roberts specializes in discussing health and fitness for men 40 and over.

Every week he teaches topics like workouts, nutrition, and increasing testosterone.

It can be hard to lose weight after 40, but Funk can help.

4. The CrossFit Podcast

screenshot of the crossfit podcast homepage

Many men like CrossFit because it helps to burn fat and tone all areas of the body at once.

It is also a good workout to keep many diseases at bay.

This official podcast of CrossFit LLC will tell you everything you need to know to make your workouts a success.

5. Men’s Health Minute

screenshot of the mens health minute homepage

Men’s Health is a popular magazine focusing on nutrition and exercise.

This podcast gives you a minute of advice on fitness, nutrition, and weight loss.

Similar Podcast Types To Check Out

Weight loss is not the only thing you can do to create a happier, healthier life.

Here are some other podcast types you should listen to.

  • Mental Health Podcasts: Your mental health is part of your well-being. It also gets ignored the most.
    These mental health podcasts could help you tune up your mind and body.
  • Medical Podcasts: If you like hearing the latest medical breakthroughs or stories of difficult medical cases and rare illnesses, you’ll love listening to some of these medical podcasts.
  • Health Podcasts: There is more to your health than weight loss and exercise.
    Many things can make your mind and body healthier. Check out some of these health podcasts to learn more.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of the questions that are asked most often when talking about the best podcasts for weight loss.

vector graphic showing an illustration of a woman holding pants around her waist that are way too big with a copy of her standing next to that, being fat with the big block text

What is the #1 podcast for weight loss?

At the time of this article, the most downloaded podcast about weight loss is “Wellness and Weight Loss for Busy Moms.”

Tracy Baird helps you figure out how to balance your health with your busy lifestyle.

Can you lose weight by listening to your body?

Your body will tell you when something hurts your health.

When your diet is poor, you feel worse than when you eat properly and stay hydrated.

Wrapping Up

At the beginning of the year, many people make a resolution to lose weight and get healthy.

While there are many diets you can try, one of the best things you can do to stay motivated is to listen to podcasts for weight loss.

They can give you a coach in your ear to steer you in the direction of better health and a smaller you.

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