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How To Write Effective ChatGPT Prompts in 2023: Tips and Tricks

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Struggling to generate the perfect response in ChatGPT?

It might be because you are not writing the correct ChatGPT prompts for your purpose. Unfortunately, so many users suffer from this issue that prompt engineering has become a profession.

As with most things in life, you only get what you give. It’s no different for the ChatGPT AI interface.

You must have the proper conversation in an appropriate sequence to get your solution from ChatGPT.

So, in this guide, I discuss some practical tips and strategies for you to master the art of writing effective ChatGPT prompts in 2023.

Frequently Asked Questions

What Are ChatGPT Prompts?

A ChatGPT prompt is phrases, keywords, or sentences required to initiate a conversation with the ChatGPT AI chatbot. Once prompted, the chatbot will analyze it and respond with AI-generated content.

You can generally type anything in ChatGPT’s chat interface to use it as a prompt.

How Long Can My ChatGPT Prompt Be?

Technically, your ChatGPT prompts can be as short as you want. However, depending on the ChatGPT model, your prompt and the resulting text have a length limit of 4097 tokens or roughly 3,000 words.

A 50-100 word-long simple prompt should be enough to generate meaningful content.

What Is a ChatGPT Prompt Library?

A ChatGPT prompt library is a collection of prompts, word sequences, or templates that can generate meaningful content on the AI chatbot.

It can be a website, blog, list or spreadsheet, e-book, etc. You can copy and paste the prompts from a ChatGPT library to generate unique content.

What You’ll Need To Write Effective ChatGPT Prompts

Simple interface and straightforward interface are what make ChatGPT such a popular tool.

You can write and use effective ChatGPT prompts with just the following:

  • An account to access ChatGPT. You can sign up for a free ChatGPT account with your Email, Google, or Microsoft account.
  • A computer connected to a reliable internet. You will also need a browser to access the ChatGPT chat interface on the Open AI website.

With these, you can implement the strategies discussed in this blog to write prompts and gain valuable insight regarding various topics.

How To Write Effective ChatGPT Prompts: Step-by-Step Instructions

Since the release of ChatGPT, it has become a revelation among internet users. It has brought AI technology to the masses with a simple prompt-and-response technique.

You can type almost anything as a ChatGPT prompt, but generating high-quality content requires writing a perfect prompt.

ChatGPT prefers a clear and concise prompt so it can understand the context better. Nevertheless, you can generate even more brilliant responses with intelligent prompt engineering.

1. Have a Conversation With the Chatbot

Remember how you ask Siri, Alexa, or Google Voice Assistant questions? It differs from how you would enter search phrases into a search engine. After all, conversations are different from text with keywords.

The ChatGPT AI tool is a chatbot that can have a human-like conversation with its users and generate human-like responses. Hence, your prompts should be input like a conversation for a more optimal response.

Consider it a person and talk to it like an assistant, co-worker, or friend. It will fundamentally alter how you handle writing CharGPT prompts, making it more natural.

For example, talking to ChatGPT as a person, you may include little anecdotes, contextual details, or specific tones. You should also naturally expect the chatbot to miss some points or rephrase your prompt for clarity.

You can also speak to ChatGPT to easily bring a conversational tone to your prompts. It requires installing a third-party tool, which you can learn about by checking the YouTube video below:


2. Use Clear and Concise Language

ChatGPT has been trained to understand and generate content with semantics and other nuances in various languages.

As a result, you can use any combination of words and phrasing as long as they are conceivable by humans.

However, you should still write your prompt as clearly as possible, with little to no complexity and twisted meaning to aid the chatbot.

You don’t necessarily have to use any style guide or specific formula as long as it is meaningful and conceivable.  

Just be careful about the tone and style, as ChatGPT tries to generate a response in the same manner and style you used for the prompt.

Pro Tip: While ChatGPT can generate content in various languages, it is more proficient in English. Hence, generating your content in English might be best, which you can translate later.

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3. Get Your Prompt Parameters Straight

ChatGPT can deal with any task, generating accurate and helpful content about a wide range of subjects and use cases. However, its response can be too vague or generic if you don’t define the specific parameters.

So before writing a prompt, you should ponder about the following:

  • What is the purpose of writing your prompt?
  • Which specific topic or sector are you dealing with?

The more details and background information you provide, the more precise the response will be.

For instance, you can prompt ChatGPT about how to prepare for an exam, which will produce a generic answer applicable to most students.

However, you can make the response more specific by adding details about the particular exam you are preparing for (see the screenshot below).

You can refine the AI-generated response further by adding information regarding your English level.

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4. Utilize Chain Prompting for Complex Topics

In its current development phase, ChatGPT can get confused while dealing with a complex topic or multiple questions in the same prompt.

You can work around that by writing a series of simple prompts within a specific chat interface. This method is known as chain prompting.

As ChatGPT converses like a person, you can start with a simple question and then follow up for more details. The AI

For instance, you may want to outline and write a blog post regarding machine learning technology.

If so, you can use a chain of prompts for ChatGPT to generate a topic idea and create an outline before fleshing it out.

Finally, you can refine the article for SEO with another simple prompt.

Chain prompting works for any purpose as long as you know how to maintain a meaningful conversation.

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5. Be Specific About the Response You Want

While the Large Language Model (LLM) powering the ChatGPT AI tool can only generate text, it can do so in various formats.

To generate content according to the preferred structure, you can specify the response format in your ChatGPT prompt.

It is excellent for creating a tabular response or generating ASCII art.

Creating a table in a standard format (i.e., Microsoft Excel) and editing the content are also possible with some follow-up prompts.

Likewise, you can ask the AI chatbot to generate a specific social media post or other well-known platforms (i.e., create a meta description for Medium).

In addition, you can limit the response length by including a word limit in your prompts (i.e., describe in 300 words).

Adding an example text to generate a similar text is another way of getting exactly what you need and want from ChatGPT.

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6. Give the Chatbot a Human Persona

ChatGPT can impersonate different human personas to give its generated content a natural tone of voice or style. This is particularly helpful in developing a human-like response that doesn’t sound dull.

You can make your output creative and exciting by instructing ChatGPT to adopt a specific tone or author’s voice. It includes any profession, famous author, style guides, point of view, etc.

For instance, you can prompt ChatGPT to generate a response from the point of view of a teacher, housewife, doctor, programmer, etc. It works like role-playing games.

To tackle your creative blocks, you can also make the content sound like it was written by Shakespeare, Snoop Dogg, Pink Floyd, etc.

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7. Personalize Responses for Your Audience

Like giving ChatGPT a human persona, you can ask it to personalize a response for a specific audience.

This effectively generates high-quality content personalized for your communities, marketing campaigns, or blogs.

The process works similarly to adjusting my tone while writing for beginners or advanced bloggers.

Simply mention for whom you are generating the content in your prompt, and the chatbot should adopt a tone suitable for your readers and customers.

For example, you can ask ChatGPT to explain what a programming language is for 10th graders. The response would be much simpler than what it would have typically generated.

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8. Reuse or Tweak Your Prompt Slightly

ChatGPT tries to provide a unique response even if you input the same prompt repeatedly. Therefore, you can keep asking the same question via its chat interface until you get the perfect answer.

You can also click the “Regenerate response” to get a different text for the same question. However, repeating the same may cause you to hit your word limits unless you use the PRO version of ChatGPT (ChatGPT Plus).

Another way to refine a ChatGPT response is by adding slight tweaks to your query.

Adding a little backstory, defining your intended platform, or suggesting your audience persona in a chain prompting process can help you get your unique solution.

Pro Tip: ChatGPT can retain awareness about the previous conversation on a specific chat page, which can affect the response to a particular prompt. You can avoid this by opening a new chat page.

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9. Ask ChatGPT or Use a Prompt Library

Instead of writing prompts for every query, you can use a prompt generator or copy some effective prompts from a library.

ChatGPT works as a great prompt generator, whether for itself or another AI tool like Jasper AI. Simply ask it to create different questions related to a topic before using them to generate your content.

The AI tool also suggests a few popular prompts on the homepage of the ChatGPT chat interface that you can click to use.

The same applies to copy-pasting a ChatGPT prompt from a library or book. Simply find the query you need and paste it to ChatGPT for a unique response.

You can modify a copied prompt using the strategies discussed here for a more effective solution.

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Similar Tutorials To Check Out

Feeling ready to make the most of ChatGPT? Check out the following related articles to learn some other functions of the popular AI chatbot:

Wrapping Up

ChatGPT is a magical tool that can generate text in a human voice. First, however, you must provide it with suitable prompts to analyze and curate the most appropriate answer.

Consider the chatbot as a human and write the prompts like dialogues in a conversation. The AI tool is intelligent enough to remain aware of previous conversations and respond accordingly.

Please note that even the most perfect prompt will fail to execute if ChatGPT goes down for any technical issues. You can get guidance for troubleshooting such errors in a separate post on my site.

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