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How To Become A Niche Writer: Step-By-Step Guide For Beginners

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Are you tired of producing generic, empty content? Do you wish to specialize in one writing field and become a niche writer? Then, you’re in the right place!

Becoming a niche writer is a great way to separate from the competition and establish yourself as an authority on a particular subject. But how do you even get started?

In this article, we’ll examine the actions you can take to become a profitable niche writer.

We’ll go through everything you need to know to start your career as a niche writer, from picking a topic to developing your skills and assembling a portfolio.

What is a Niche Writer?

A professional writer known as a niche writer specializes in producing content for a specific industry or subject.

In contrast to writing in general, a niche writer concentrates on a certain topic to build knowledge and experience. The term “niche” refers to a specialized market segment, and a niche writer caters to the specific needs of this niche market sector.

A niche writer should conduct extensive research, stay current on industry trends, and develop a solid understanding of their target market.  

They must also be excellent writers who can create captivating content that appeals to their audience. The efficacy of the intended message is increased since a niche writer’s work is typically particularly targeted and written for a certain audience.

Niche writers can write about various topics, including finance, technology, health, and lifestyle. They can produce a wide variety of material, including blog posts, articles, whitepapers, and social media posts.

A skilled niche writer can provide high-quality content optimized for interesting and educational search engines.

Niche writers are in high demand as businesses and organizations work to establish themselves as thought leaders in their specialized industries.

Which Writing Niche Pays the Most?

Here are some of the writing niches that pay very well:


Consumers spend millions of dollars each year on loans, credit cards, and other financial services. This implies that a lot of money is available for investment in content creation from banks, credit card firms, and other sources making it one of the most rewarding niches.

Finance writers are currently in great demand, and it’s wonderful that businesses have the resources to hire specialists in this area of writing.

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Most of the larger financial institutions are looking for fresh perspectives and compelling narratives. This writing specialty exclusively contains high-quality and useful information; there are no fluff articles.

There is a need for the following topics in the finance writing field:

  • Personal finances
  • Financial shares
  • Cryptocurrency
  • Accounting
  • Budgeting

Find subjects you are comfortable writing about if you are new to the finance niche. Budgeting, managing credit cards or bargains, couponing, and other concepts widely known to individuals are all included in the personal finance sector.

You can use your experience as a starting point for writing about subjects related to personal finance.

Tech Writing

Tech is a big subject with a large readership in high-paying freelance writing areas. Businesses worldwide are looking for strategies to introduce their technology to a large audience of consumers and businesses, and they will pay writers to achieve this.

This specialty covers a wide range of subjects, such as B2B technology, blockchain technology, cyber safety, software instructions, engineering, and more.


The travel industry focuses on millennials who want to spend their money on once-in-a-lifetime events and young retirees who want to cross things off their bucket lists before it’s too late.

To unearth travel tales that most people have never heard of, you must be an accomplished storyteller.

The following are some examples of travel writing topics:

  • Travel guides
  • Travel discounts
  • Travel Lifestyle
  • Restaurant reviews
  • Hotel reviews

You might write about many subjects and a wealth of personal experience you can share.

Digital Marketing

The number of companies and entrepreneurs using the Internet to conduct most of their business grows yearly.

This indicates that they depend on digital marketing firms, like email newsletter providers, opt-in services, online accounting tools, internet hosting, and others, to increase sales.

Most of these businesses choose long-form content, such as in-depth tutorials or guides. Additionally, they keep abreast of industry developments.

The following subjects fall under the category of digital marketing writing:

  • Affiliate marketing advice
  • Search engine optimization
  • Social media
  • eCommerce
  • Email marketing
  • Push notifications

The ideal writing samples for you demonstrate your level of expertise in many facets of digital marketing. Long-form content predominates in this area of writing.  

Health and Wellness

One of the most lucrative markets for freelance writers is the healthcare and medical industry. This type of content requires similar technical writing skills and an in-depth understanding of the healthcare sector.

Medical writers are often expected to write the following categories of content:

  • Journal entries
  • Patient instruction
  • Clinical study findings
  • Training in sales
  • Regulatory records

Most healthcare and medical writers have expertise in the industry, and they can use this background and professional knowledge to simplify complex subjects and explain them to a wider audience.

Why is Niche Important in Content Writing?

Having a specialty demonstrates to potential clients that you have the expertise needed to provide quality content for their website.

Because it will save them time and money throughout the onboarding process, business owners prefer to employ someone knowledgeable in their field.

The other advantage of writing in a certain niche is that you may charge more because you are an authority on the subject. You can produce more in-depth articles and material that ranks higher and pays higher as a thought leader.

Having a niche enables you to enhance your abilities in a certain field, expanding your knowledge and increasing your value to both potential and present clients.

Makes You an Expert in Your Field

Gathering high-quality material and delivering it to your target audience in a consistent, valuable, and relevant way is what it takes to build content authority.

You have invested the time to research your subject thoroughly, gather excellent information, and possibly cite reliable online sources. Visitors know that they are reading some of the top stuff online when they read your article.

As a result, they will spread the word about your content, driving traffic to your website.

Your website’s credibility and content’s value to Google, both increase with site visitors. As a result, search engines, outside websites, and social media will give your material additional visibility.

Less Competition

It’s simpler to stand out, establish a name for yourself, and promote your services to draw in customers.

Additionally, there are fewer possibilities for your customers, which naturally results in them having a limited selection of authors to choose from.

The Ability to Charge Higher Rates

Professional writers can bill up to 40 cents per word for their in-depth writing skills. Experts frequently get to set their own fees.

Since other businesses frequently pay more since these are expensive things, many of these niche markets are “Business-to-Business (B2B)”; as a result, their marketing budgets are bigger, and their profit margins are higher.

How Do You Find Your Niche as a Writer?

Finding your writing niche can help you earn well, draw prospective customers, and write about the topics you enjoy. Let’s now go over how to determine your ideal writing niche:

Start With What You Enjoy or Are Interested In

It’s possible that you held a profession unrelated to writing but had the specialized knowledge or abilities to write about it.

Your field of expertise may be everything related to flowers and floral arrangements, for instance, if you work as a part-time freelancer and florist.

If you work as a full-time freelancer in the writing industry or have a second job in a field related to writing, like publishing, then writing itself can be your area of competence.

Which form of writing, in particular, are you most knowledgeable about? Blogging, content marketing, or creative writing?

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Whatever your area of expertise, there is undoubtedly a market for it, as there are numerous niches. However, you must genuinely enjoy your work if you want to succeed in your chosen field of niche writing.

Leverage Past Experiences

It’s possible that you were a florist in the past but decided to transition to freelance writing since you lacked passion for the field. You continue to enjoy cultivating flowers and learning about the process.

Here, the flowers themselves are what you’re passionate about. As a result, rather than writing about the business of floristry, you’ll be writing about various elements of the subject of flowers, the things that you genuinely enjoy reading, learning about, and writing about.

Looking at writing genres and particular themes may help you determine your area of passion.

Identify Your Strengths

When you are skilled in your field, developing a good writing profession is quicker and simpler. You’re probably a specialist or adept in a particular field based on your education and professional experience.

Consider the facts you can effectively share with people to enhance their lives. Finding your writing niche can frequently be aided by recognizing your existing skills and strengths.

Identifying the knowledge you lack might also be helpful. There’s a chance that you’re an expert in the broad strokes of a subject but not so much in the specifics.

Although you are knowledgeable about medical services, you may not be as knowledgeable about medical laws and regulations. In this case, you might learn more or look for writing possibilities in that particular field.  

Write One Article and Build a Portfolio From There

If you’re just starting out as a freelance writer and want to make it your main source of income, you’ll require an online portfolio that speaks for itself and draws clients.

All authors should consider using an online writing portfolio as a marketing tool to showcase their abilities to potential clients. Your portfolio should also contain the following:

  • Writing samples.
  • A brief introduction that is instructive without being overtly promotional.
  • Any client endorsements you may have for your writing abilities.

Your writer’s portfolio should only contain top-notch material that you believe will help progress your writing career because its purpose is to highlight the special talents and skills that only you can contribute.

How to Become a Niche Writer?

So you’ve decided you want to become a niche writer, you need to follow these steps:

Choose Your Niche

To start, you should ask yourself, “What do you understand the most about?” What subject matter do you know or have experience with better than average?

You may have worked in a non-writing-related field yet had the particular skills or knowledge necessary to write about it.

For example, if you are a part-time freelance florist, your area of expertise may include anything to do with flowers and centerpieces.

Work as a full-time freelancer in the writing profession or have a second job in a closely related field to writing, like publishing. You can specialize in writing itself or grow into an authority in the beauty niche.  

Start Writing in Your Niche

Some independent authors seem to fit into a certain niche naturally. Writing on a subject that you are familiar with, like finance or healthcare, may come naturally to you.

If you do not, you can look at the topics above if you do not yet have a distinct specialty. Writing articles about subjects they are interested in, like their hobbies, helps many freelance writers identify their niche.

Additionally, you can base your decision on a particular requirement. Entering a market with a clear need for content writers will enable you to attract more clients and launch your career.

Market Yourself as Your Niche

Do you write in a certain area, such as real estate or property development? You may better understand the intricacies and complexity of a certain industry than the average freelance writer since you have experience in that field.

By doing so, you might be able to market yourself as an authority on the subject, attract customers from that market, and set a competitive price.

Create a niche-specific lead magnet and distribute it through paid channels like Facebook ads to draw in new customers, depending on your niche marketing strategy. This can be a free ebook or checklist pertinent to the field in which you specialize.

Creating customized pages to rank for keywords in your niche may be your choice if you have an SEO strategy in place.

To set yourself apart, list the qualifications that will help you gain the favor of your target audience. Include keywords related to your chosen field in your homepage’s meta descriptions and title tags.

You can establish a presence that enhances your freelance writing brand when you specialize in a particular area. It also draws in your ideal clients, which might expand your marketing prospects.

With focused outreach strategies that draw in your intended clientele, you may allocate your marketing budget wisely.

Create a distinctive website and social media pages that are more pertinent to your customers by using specific messaging or branding techniques.

How Do You Find a Niche Writer for Your Website?

So how do you go about finding niche writers? You may find writers on literally dozens of websites and online publishing platforms.

However, you don’t want to do this since you need writers with the necessary expertise who are familiar with your industry and can fulfill your standards for quality.

Consider using these techniques to identify your ideal writer rather than searching the entire web.

Freelancing Websites

You may access a seemingly limitless pool of freelance writers through job boards for niche writers like Upwork, Freelancer, Fiverr, and many others.

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Nevertheless, because there is essentially no barrier to entry for freelancers on these websites, every work demand is typically deluged with dozens of applications from random authors or companies who outsource writing to even less expensive writers.

Therefore, be as specific as you can while posting your job requirements on these websites. Use reference articles to help authors understand your requirements, and be sure to provide even the smallest details.

Social Media

These niche writers can be found on social media, but the best locations to locate them are through social media groups, forums for related topics, and Q&A websites like Quora.

Look through these forums for talks about your niche. Numerous specialized enthusiasts that are well-versed in your business and excellent writers might be found.

The best part is that they aren’t even professional writers; therefore, they don’t charge the same prices that authors specializing in particular niches do.

Portfolio Sites

Portfolios for independent writers are useful for several reasons. Writers use them to compile all of their work into one location and as a quick way to provide writing examples to potential clients.

A writing portfolio is a crucial tool to help writers get any freelance writing job they’re after. Websites like Clipping can be used to build a beautiful content portfolio.

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See Who Wrote Articles in Your Niche on Other Sites

If everything else fails, just send a short email or Facebook message to your contacts and ask for assistance, or look at which authors are writing for your competitors’ blogs.

How to Hire Niche Writers?

Finding and working with authors is crucial for your websites. There are two methods to do this: through agencies or direct hires.

Agencies can produce a lot of content quickly, but they may also be very pricey, and unless you’re lucky, most writers lack any specialized subject knowledge.

Direct employees are typically less expensive, may have specialized knowledge if you make the proper choice, and can be a long-term value to your company.

What writers should be paid is a common question. It depends, as it does with most things. The degree of specialization and niche are what matter to me.

Because, let’s face it, certain industries simply require greater technical expertise than others. Here are some statistics about writer pricing from the real world:

  • Certified Dietary Nutritionist: 15 cents per word
  • Authors for The Website Flip: 8 and 10 cents per word.
  • Writers for dating websites: 5 cents per word
  • Outdoor website writers: 4 cents per word

Frequently Asked Questions

Do You Need a Niche as a Freelance Writer?

You can write more skillfully and efficiently, bringing in bigger paychecks and a steady stream of work by honing your talents in a certain field.

You can establish yourself as an authority in a specific field as a freelancer by developing a specialty. Therefore, you may more effectively market to customers looking for content in that particular category.  

How Much Does a Niche Writer Cost?

How much you charge depends on your field of expertise and experience as a writer. Some writers start by charging 4-5 cents per word, and writers with more authority and fame can charge higher rates.

Wrapping Up

Writing for a living is ultimately an adventure just like any other career. Even if we would want to skip ahead to the section when we are experiencing the life of a freelance writer, we must complete the work.

By picking the right niche, you can take pleasure in both the process and the outcomes of your labor.

The advantages of selecting a niche as a freelance writer are numerous, and this is only the beginning of the list.

Even if you decide to start as a generalized freelance writer, it’s ideal to envision yourself narrowing your focus in the future so you may create a successful career by writing about the topics that interest you for the clients you enjoy working with.

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